


Spent time


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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Website 04/16/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Task #8: Put the mirroring script on SVN 1:00 Actions
Website 04/18/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Task #8: Put the mirroring script on SVN 1:00 Actions
Website 04/18/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Bug #18: leading / makes directory renaming fail 0:15 Actions
Website 04/18/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Bug #19: sed erroneous expression 0:15 Actions
Website 04/20/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Bug #27: download/index.php causes mirror script to copy both spip/ and web/ 2:00 Actions
Documentation 04/20/2011 Elisa de Castro Guerra Design Task #22: Add a link to the Freenode webchat in the page “Contact us” image + update article + mail for translator 0:12 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 09/08/2011 Gaurav Ashtikar Development Feature #241: A tool to easily change the user name in Empathy task completed 9:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Management Task #246: Ask Debian Live their plans about ARM support 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Communication Task #246: Ask Debian Live their plans about ARM support Cross build an arm Debian Live system 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Testing Task #246: Ask Debian Live their plans about ARM support 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Testing Task #246: Ask Debian Live their plans about ARM support 2:00 Actions
Debian 11/20/2012 Gérald Kerma Communication Task #264: Register DDL in the Debian list of children distros debian list contacted 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #307: Polystrap : a multistrap script Creation of a debian rootfs for armhf 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 08/27/2011 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #307: Polystrap : a multistrap script 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Bug #455: Missing xorg-video-imx 8:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/20/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Bug #455: Missing xorg-video-imx Already (debian) packaged 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Testing Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 24:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Testing Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Testing Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 0:12 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Writing Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 04/07/2012 Gérald Kerma Testing Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 04/07/2012 Gérald Kerma Testing Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 04/07/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 0:12 Actions
Accessibility 04/07/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 2:00 Actions
(1-25/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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