


Spent time


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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Migration to ARM 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #513: doudoulinux-activities should use debconf 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/21/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #534: Block web tracking code using Ghostery block list 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/17/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #543: Force only one instance of application 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #543: Force only one instance of application 2:00 Actions
Accessibility 04/07/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 03/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #512: lxlauncher-session-logout should translate the window message 2:00 Actions
Accessibility 01/08/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #313: Adapt lxlauncher icon size to screen resolution 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 01/06/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #469: get dansguardian-squid preconfigured 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 01/05/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #516: Need a package ddl-icons-diverted 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 01/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #191: Move remaining lxlauncher customization files to ddl-utils 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 12/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #88: Replace Splashy with Plymouth, or not… 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/23/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #427: Internal HD should be mounted RO at startup 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/22/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #74: Provide better blocking lists to Epiphany 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #88: Replace Splashy with Plymouth, or not… 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #74: Provide better blocking lists to Epiphany 2:00 Actions
Website 10/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #49: Provide Torrent seeds on 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 09/08/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #210: Script to report the PO file translation status 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 08/27/2011 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #307: Polystrap : a multistrap script 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/13/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #356: Merge Gondwana apps icons with Squeeze ones 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #307: Polystrap : a multistrap script Creation of a debian rootfs for armhf 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #189: icons at top right corner aren't displayed 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/22/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #46: Add a graphical boot splash 2:00 Actions
New applications 05/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #173: Stopmotion should not show the console 2:00 Actions
New applications 05/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #107: Songwrite2 crashes on untranslated PO files 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #67: Have launch icons in Epiphany's homepage 2:00 Actions
(51-75/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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