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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
New applications 10/31/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Communication Bug #224: Songwrite cannot handle Russian 0:30 Actions
New applications 04/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Audio, music Feature #52: Create a first songbook for songwrite2 Transcripted several children songs and classic music pieces 15:00 Actions
New applications 06/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Audio, music Feature #52: Create a first songbook for songwrite2 2:00 Actions
New applications 06/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Audio, music Feature #52: Create a first songbook for songwrite2 3:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 05/09/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #11: Migrate our packages repository to Squeeze too 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/23/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #93: Add a pre-build script to start apt-cacher 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #13: Remove Memtest from Live CD 0:15 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #14: Build-prepare script should adapt the Debian repository URL for a local cache 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #287: renaming to img does not work 0:15 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #280: Songwrite fails to install at CD build 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/05/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #10: Force the generation of an iso-hybrid image 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/05/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #275: lxsession-lite is replaced with lxsession 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #290: Epiphany cannot reach any site 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #232: Evaluate VMPK as a replacement for Vkeybd 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #13: Remove Memtest from Live CD 0:15 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #176: Merge changes in the experimental branch to the trunk 3:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #329: Duplicate KDE icons 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #12: Check that boot parameters have not been renamed 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #176: Merge changes in the experimental branch to the trunk 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #293: Opendict does not contain any dictionary 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #10: Force the generation of an iso-hybrid image 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #11: Migrate our packages repository to Squeeze too 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #335: Childsplay doesn't propose separate letter flash packages 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #287: renaming to img does not work 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #346: DDL Help pdf file contains no images... 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/17/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #88: Replace Splashy with Plymouth, or not… 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #88: Replace Splashy with Plymouth, or not… 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #15: Restore the final Debian repository URL 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 12/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #88: Replace Splashy with Plymouth, or not… 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #462: Gnome apps cannot show help pages 20:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #362: Transifex resource for Marble 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #125: Collect PO/POT files from Squeeze packages 10:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #540: Merge PO/TS files from Gondwana to the development version ones 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #372: Transifex resource for VMPK 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #375: Transifex resource for GoldenDict 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #540: Merge PO/TS files from Gondwana to the development version ones 19:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #125: Collect PO/POT files from Squeeze packages 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #373: Transifex resource for Chinese games 0:15 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #374: Transifex resource for Tanglet 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #464: Tanglet should work with more languages 5:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #345: Localization of some apps to Russian needed 3:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #380: 2 directories for downloaded items 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #232: Evaluate VMPK as a replacement for Vkeybd 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #339: Add Chinese games 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #347: Monitor settings icon is missing 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/24/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #366: Evaluate GoldenDict as a repalcement for OpenDict 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/24/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #232: Evaluate VMPK as a replacement for Vkeybd 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #336: Verbiste can now conjugate Italian verbs 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #448: Request for inclusion: pixfrogger 0:30 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Development Feature #307: Polystrap : a multistrap script Creation of a debian rootfs for armhf 2:00 Actions
(101-150/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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