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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #397: Link Transifex translation stats page 0:30 Actions
Documentation 10/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #397: Link Transifex translation stats page 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/15/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #402: Auto login when there is only one activity in the menu 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 01/05/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #402: Auto login when there is only one activity in the menu 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Task #406: Change version number in the new download links 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/15/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #426: Remove desktop files from tarballs 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/23/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #428: doudou-devtools 0:30 Actions
Website design 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Drawing Bug #430: Personal logo for 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/13/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #433: Make a patched version of live-helper 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #441: Totem cannot play more than one MIDI file 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #441: Totem cannot play more than one MIDI file 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #448: Request for inclusion: pixfrogger 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 03/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #450: Improve CD loading time 0:30 Actions
Migration to ARM 01/21/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #523: Remove Gnome keyring configuration for user Tux 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 02/27/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #524: Accept Intel wifi license for user 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #559: KDE Games Help in English 0:30 Actions
Accessibility 04/17/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 0:48 Actions
Website 04/16/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Task #8: Put the mirroring script on SVN 1:00 Actions
Website 04/18/2011 Administrator Redmine Development Task #8: Put the mirroring script on SVN 1:00 Actions
Website 04/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #8: Put the mirroring script on SVN 1:00 Actions
Website 05/05/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #9: Add a cron script to make a static copy of Spip 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/05/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #10: Force the generation of an iso-hybrid image 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #10: Force the generation of an iso-hybrid image 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #11: Migrate our packages repository to Squeeze too 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #12: Check that boot parameters have not been renamed 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #14: Build-prepare script should adapt the Debian repository URL for a local cache 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 11/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #15: Restore the final Debian repository URL 1:00 Actions
Documentation 10/13/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Feature #16: A better translation status page for Spip articles 1:00 Actions
Website 04/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #18: leading / makes directory renaming fail 1:00 Actions
Website 04/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #19: sed erroneous expression 1:00 Actions
Documentation 06/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #20: Highlight the fact that DDL is not an application in download pages 1:00 Actions
Documentation 05/16/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #21: Some people try to install DDL without downloading the IMG file 1:00 Actions
Website 05/31/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #23: Add a link “Follow us on” 1:00 Actions
Website 05/31/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #42: Be sure that Redmine is always running on our server 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #45: Change DansGuardian error page URL 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #46: Add a graphical boot splash 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #48: Play a nice music while booting 1:00 Actions
Website 09/29/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #49: Provide Torrent seeds on 1:00 Actions
New applications 06/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #52: Create a first songbook for songwrite2 1:00 Actions
New applications 05/14/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #53: Arrange songs in subdirs 1:00 Actions
New applications 05/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #53: Arrange songs in subdirs 1:00 Actions
New applications 05/23/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #53: Arrange songs in subdirs 1:00 Actions
New applications 06/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #54: Write documentation about songwrite2 1:00 Actions
Digital contents 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Audio, music Feature #55: Provide MIDI files for children songs 1:00 Actions
Digital contents 05/16/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Feature #55: Provide MIDI files for children songs 1:00 Actions
Digital contents 05/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Feature #55: Provide MIDI files for children songs 1:00 Actions
New applications 04/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #56: Enlist upstream author of Songwrite 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #58: Merge doudoulinux-sessions into the new doudoulinux-utils package 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #59: Move lxlauncher-session customization to /etc 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #60: Remove unused clamav-data files 1:00 Actions
(101-150/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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