


Spent time


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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Migration to ARM 04/17/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #543: Force only one instance of application 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/21/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #534: Block web tracking code using Ghostery block list 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #462: Gnome apps cannot show help pages 20:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #362: Transifex resource for Marble 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #125: Collect PO/POT files from Squeeze packages 10:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #540: Merge PO/TS files from Gondwana to the development version ones 1:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #506: Need a package doudoulinux-live-tweaks 6:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 06/12/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #513: doudoulinux-activities should use debconf 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 06/20/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #575: Display setting utility is missing 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #372: Transifex resource for VMPK 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #375: Transifex resource for GoldenDict 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #540: Merge PO/TS files from Gondwana to the development version ones 19:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/26/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #125: Collect PO/POT files from Squeeze packages 2:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #373: Transifex resource for Chinese games 0:15 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #374: Transifex resource for Tanglet 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #76: Set default Epiphany search engine to 5:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #75: Host a search engine cleaning page 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #534: Block web tracking code using Ghostery block list 1:00 Actions
New applications 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #198: Transifex resource for Cheese 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #487: Sound output by default app displays prompt window 3:00 Actions
New applications 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #103: Transifex resource for TBO 1:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #464: Tanglet should work with more languages 5:00 Actions
New applications 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #322: Create a Transifex resource for Jokosher 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #582: Provide fonts for a Burmese CD 1:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #345: Localization of some apps to Russian needed 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #67: Have launch icons in Epiphany's homepage 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #66: Provide some good Epiphany bookmarks 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #559: KDE Games Help in English 0:30 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #380: 2 directories for downloaded items 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #518: Need l10n packages with our PO/TS files 5:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/03/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Bug #585: DansGuardian cannot filter Https sites --enable-ssl for squid3 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/20/2012 Gérald Kerma Development Bug #455: Missing xorg-video-imx Already (debian) packaged 1:00 Actions
New applications 04/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #56: Enlist upstream author of Songwrite 1:00 Actions
Documentation 05/16/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #21: Some people try to install DDL without downloading the IMG file 1:00 Actions
Documentation 05/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #179: Update FAQ 1:00 Actions
Documentation 05/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #108: Update release notes 1:00 Actions
New applications 05/31/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #144: Write documentation about Stopmotion 1:00 Actions
Documentation 05/31/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #197: Update known issues 1:00 Actions
Documentation 05/31/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #168: Write a page dedicated to new features 1:00 Actions
Documentation 06/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #168: Write a page dedicated to new features 1:00 Actions
Documentation 06/02/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #41: Get DDL page (English) is not synched with its French version 0:30 Actions
Documentation 06/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #195: Write a page about setting network and wifi 2:00 Actions
Documentation 06/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #64: Update website with Redmine as a replacement for Gna 2:00 Actions
Documentation 06/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #147: Make new screenshots for 2011-05 1:30 Actions
New applications 06/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #54: Write documentation about songwrite2 1:00 Actions
New applications 06/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #144: Write documentation about Stopmotion 1:00 Actions
Documentation 06/08/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #233: Update the download page 1:00 Actions
Documentation 06/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #20: Highlight the fact that DDL is not an application in download pages 1:00 Actions
Documentation 06/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #179: Update FAQ 1:00 Actions
Debian 06/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #265: Contact the Derivatives folks 2:00 Actions
Debian 06/24/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #255: Contribute back with our translations 1:00 Actions
Debian 08/02/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #266: Register DDL in the Debian Derivatives 2:00 Actions
Debian 08/14/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #267: Introduce DDL to the Debian Derivatives list 1:00 Actions
Documentation 08/29/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #324: Create a page/section for the development release 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #324: Create a page/section for the development release 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #324: Create a page/section for the development release 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/10/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #184: Publish « Pourquoi utiliser DoudouLinux ? » 2:00 Actions
Documentation 09/15/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #252: Write news about languages being started 2:00 Actions
Documentation 09/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #389: Update page “What's new…” 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #393: Update the changelog page 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #390: Add a paragraph about Gaurav tool 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #391: Update our home page 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #392: Update our promotion article 0:15 Actions
Documentation 09/22/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #394: Update our road map 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #394: Update our road map 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #390: Add a paragraph about Gaurav tool 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #397: Link Transifex translation stats page 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #400: Create a news for Gondwana 1.1 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #392: Update our promotion article 0:15 Actions
Documentation 09/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #393: Update the changelog page 0:30 Actions
Documentation 09/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #405: Move our untranslated dailybuild page to Spip 0:15 Actions
Documentation 10/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #405: Move our untranslated dailybuild page to Spip 0:15 Actions
Documentation 10/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #397: Link Transifex translation stats page 0:30 Actions
Website 10/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #100: Update documentation about website working copy 0:30 Actions
Website 10/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #100: Update documentation about website working copy 0:30 Actions
Documentation 10/12/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #249: Put article icons in a tarball online 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/23/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #428: doudou-devtools 0:30 Actions
Documentation 11/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #442: Tell how to report a Debian bug 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 11/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #441: Totem cannot play more than one MIDI file 0:30 Actions
Documentation 01/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #442: Tell how to report a Debian bug 1:00 Actions
Contests 03/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #530: Apply for GSoC 2012 6:00 Actions
Contests 03/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #530: Apply for GSoC 2012 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 03/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #75: Host a search engine cleaning page 3:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Writing Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/25/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #435: Tell about Gondwana 1.2 4:00 Actions
New applications 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #86: Write documentation about TBO 1:00 Actions
New applications 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #237: Write documentation about Cheese 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/16/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Bug #563: Epiphany bookmarks are irrelevant 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #40: Duplicate rewrite script for .profile 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #39: DansGuardian may block deb files on content 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #77: Move DansGuardian configuration files from lang/ to live/ 0:30 Actions
New applications 05/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #87: Request for inclusion: stopmotion 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #94: Use a backported gstreamer-bad library 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #73: Activate AdBlock in Epiphany 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/08/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #58: Merge doudoulinux-sessions into the new doudoulinux-utils package 0:30 Actions
Website 05/09/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #24: Remove the directory “ecrire/” from website snapshots 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/13/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #133: Ship Network-Manager as a replacement for lxnm 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/14/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #133: Ship Network-Manager as a replacement for lxnm 0:30 Actions
New applications 05/14/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #101: Songwrite PDF exports renders empty documents 1:00 Actions
New applications 05/19/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Bug #149: Stopmotion unable to grab from webcams 0:30 Actions
(201-300/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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