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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Management Task #246: Ask Debian Live their plans about ARM support 1:00 Actions
Digital contents 05/16/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Feature #55: Provide MIDI files for children songs 1:00 Actions
Digital contents 05/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Feature #55: Provide MIDI files for children songs 1:00 Actions
Documentation 09/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Task #406: Change version number in the new download links 0:30 Actions
Documentation 10/13/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Feature #16: A better translation status page for Spip articles 1:00 Actions
Website design 09/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Task #47: Redesign the website download links and pages 3:00 Actions
Accessibility 05/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #69: Play an audio message before switching computer off 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 05/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #68: Low batteries should trigger an audio message 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 05/20/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #169: Why pressing enter only after the CD is removed? 0:30 Actions
Accessibility 01/08/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #313: Adapt lxlauncher icon size to screen resolution 2:00 Actions
Accessibility 01/15/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #313: Adapt lxlauncher icon size to screen resolution 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 03/25/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #112: Use large icons in lxlauncher tab titles 0:30 Actions
Accessibility 03/25/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #477: Background images in LxLauncher 6:00 Actions
Accessibility 03/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #313: Adapt lxlauncher icon size to screen resolution 1:00 Actions
Accessibility 03/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #112: Use large icons in lxlauncher tab titles 0:30 Actions
Accessibility 04/17/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 0:48 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #46: Add a graphical boot splash 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 04/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #48: Play a nice music while booting 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/01/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #60: Remove unused clamav-data files 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/02/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #61: Remove vkeybd-timidity dependency with gnome-extra-icons 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/02/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #40: Duplicate rewrite script for .profile 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/02/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #39: DansGuardian may block deb files on content 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #77: Move DansGuardian configuration files from lang/ to live/ 0:30 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #58: Merge doudoulinux-sessions into the new doudoulinux-utils package 1:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #45: Change DansGuardian error page URL 1:00 Actions
(26-50/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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