


Spent time


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Hours: 587:36

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Documentation 06/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #195: Write a page about setting network and wifi 2:00 Actions
Documentation 09/15/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #252: Write news about languages being started 2:00 Actions
Debian 06/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #265: Contact the Derivatives folks 2:00 Actions
Debian 08/02/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Task #266: Register DDL in the Debian Derivatives 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 04/08/2012 Gérald Kerma Writing Task #507: uBoot splash screen on Efika 2:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 07/23/2011 Gérald Kerma Testing Task #246: Ask Debian Live their plans about ARM support 2:00 Actions
Debian 10/28/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Task #258: Create a Debian usertag for bug reports 2:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 12/11/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Support #480: Pas de son sur Haut Parleur d'un HP Compad mini 110 2:00 Actions
Accessibility 04/21/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Testing Feature #544: automaximize / fullscreen of application windows 2:00 Actions
New applications 06/06/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Drawing Feature #105: Ship a short stopmotion example 2:00 Actions
Graphic design 05/15/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Drawing Feature #109: Insert translated welcome texts in boot image 2:00 Actions
Digital contents 05/04/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Audio, music Feature #43: Record a short boot music 2:00 Actions
New applications 06/03/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Audio, music Feature #52: Create a first songbook for songwrite2 2:00 Actions
New applications 04/27/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #51: Package songwrite2 for Lenny 2:30 Actions
Website design 09/21/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Design Task #47: Redesign the website download links and pages 3:00 Actions
Website 09/30/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #49: Provide Torrent seeds on 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 10/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #74: Provide better blocking lists to Epiphany 3:00 Actions
Website 05/18/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #118: Website link to DDL Debian repository is dead for all languages but French 3:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 08/07/2011 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #176: Merge changes in the experimental branch to the trunk 3:00 Actions
Migration to Squeeze 09/23/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #345: Localization of some apps to Russian needed 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 01/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #431: Use Gconftool command instead of Xml Gconf files 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 01/22/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Feature #469: get dansguardian-squid preconfigured 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 08/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Bug #487: Sound output by default app displays prompt window 3:00 Actions
Migration to ARM 01/04/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Development Task #504: Package doudoulinux-activities needed 3:00 Actions
DoudouLinux CD 03/28/2012 Jean-Michel Philippe Writing Feature #75: Host a search engine cleaning page 3:00 Actions
(326-350/383) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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