



Feature #66


Feature #145: Improve Epiphany user's experience

Provide some good Epiphany bookmarks

Added by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Ready for test
User interface
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
2:00 h
Spent time:


It would be nice to have a set of good children sites available in Epiphany.

For example there is a kid version of wikipedia: for French. We can add OpenStreetMap ( and place their search entry directly on our page. Note that their search form is badly placed on the bottom of their page, this is why it is better to have it in our page directly. As indicated in the Wikipedia page there are derivatives that may also be interesting (transports, cycling, etc.).

Epiphany bookmarks are recorded in the file .gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks.rdf. It seems that the default value of this file is in /usr/share/epiphany-browser/default-bookmarks.rdf.

We could also add in a small corner the assistance form:

and the list of requests for assistance:

Related issues 3 (3 open0 closed)

Related to DoudouLinux CD - Feature #67: Have launch icons in Epiphany's homepageIn ProgressElisa de Castro Guerra12/05/201109/30/2012

Related to Digital contents - Task #417: Search for existing literatureIn Progress12/26/201102/20/2012

Related to DoudouLinux CD - Bug #563: Epiphany bookmarks are irrelevantReady for test05/03/2012

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Parent task set to #145
Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Due date set to 05/25/2011
  • Category set to User interface
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Start date set to 05/16/2011
  • Estimated time set to 2:00 h
Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Sergey Komkov)

I think you're getting mistaken a bit… Read the terms of use of the first site (bold added):

“We reserve ourselves all the rights, including but not limited to any of the copyrights, k registered marks, patents, commercial secrets, and any another right of property on our website, its contents, and the goods and services that we could offer. The use of our rights and our property needs our explicit assent in writing and in advance. We don't offer you any implicit or explicit license or the rights for commercial use or not, of our WEBsite without our express and previous authorization. ChildTopia is a trade registered mark.

If you unload any material of ChildTopia, free or of payment, in no case acquires the property of the above mentioned material. You will have only the license of individual use, without possibility of distribution, transfer, emission, rent or resale. Any violation of these terms is a crime typified by the Penal Code.”

This site is promoting the contrary of the free software spirit, it has nothing to do on our CD! And obviously this is the case of MSN sites as well as most of search engines. Please look for free software-like sites like Wikipedia, Open Street Map, OCAL and so.

As I said on the mailing list we don't want to promote external websites unless they are free art/software sites and, of course, complementary to DDL, not competing. We may end doing our own web network with our own resources for children if we don't find people using better licenses.

Actions #5

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

Think all game sites would have similar license.
As for sites you mention I'm not sure they are really for kids ): I don't know how to locate GNU/GPL sites designed especially for kids...
We will need reference sites in any case!

1 more SE I like the most

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

I think you misunderstood the objective. We don't want to find a DDL equivalent online, which would certainly show bad licensing terms as you noticed. We already have games and apps, we don't need to find additional ones online. What we need is to find sites that provides drawings, stories, music, information, data, etc., that could be interesting for the biggest children and… with friendly license and policy.

Actions #7

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2011-05 (Gondwana) to 2011-08
Actions #8

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 05/25/2011 to 08/22/2011
Actions #9

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

I resumed the work.
Currently we have 6 SE's:

I think 3 would be enough. We'll select it later.
I started to contact the best sites contaiuning free stuff for kids.

Actions #10

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

Could you explain what you are doing please?

We don't need a search engine leading to “closed” websites or 3rd parties sponsored websites, I fear this is the case of your sites. Concerning search engine, I have a plan to divert a Google search into an ad-free search engine using a Php script, but no more for DDL. I'm now very suspicious about any kid-oriented website, since I haven't seen any with a friendly policy.

Actions #11

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

Kids should teach how to use SE anyway

Actions #12

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

That's me who said above

Actions #13

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

Yes, this is why I plan to host an ad-free search engine that would just “clean” unwanted contents in Google results.

Actions #14

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

  1. It should have children-friendly interface
  2. It should filter naughty sites
  3. It should be available in several languages

May I take a look at it?

Actions #15

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

Look at what? The ad-free search engine? If you feel you have the required skills, yes. You have to use Php and valid Html/CSS. The SE should not record any data related to users and user's activity (it behaves as a simple proxy). The Php script has to post the user's query to Google's SE then extract the ad-free portion of search results and show this part only.

Concerning the points you highlighted:

  1. don't spend to much time on beautifying the interface, ask our graphic designers instead :)
  2. filtering naughty websites in Google results would require that our script uses the results from kind of online DansGuardian, it's complicated so let's rely on the local DansGuardian of DDL right now
  3. the Php script should use gettext to translate the messages in the user's language; note that it is better to show as few text as possible for children who just start reading
Actions #16

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Michel Philippe
  • % Done changed from 30 to 0
  1. I do not have the required skills.
  2. I am sure SE should be children-friendly and it is much more important than access to ad sites.
  3. Finally the task turned out to have nothing in common with bookmarks for browser but regarded our policy of using external materials instead. Please open a new task and let us all work at it.
  4. The next time please do not use such fuzzy description as 'good' in task names
Actions #17

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

I'm sorry but it was obvious for me that the objective of DDL is not to put children in highly money-interested hands like Google, MSN, Facebook, and so! The reason why I'd like to show an ad-free SE is that when you're accustomed to an ad-free web, you feel uncomfortable with the web that Apple, Google and Microsoft is then offering to you, because it is plenty of ads. I don't think the interest of Internet is in ads :). Moreover it would be annoying for us to see children asking their parents for what they've been advertised using DDL.

Finally you're right about SE not being the subject of the ticket, but this was your idea to focus on this topic! I agree we need another ticket for this.

Actions #18

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 08/22/2011 to 11/21/2011
Actions #19

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

There are wikibooks for children:

and other “wiki kids” initiatives:

Actions #20

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2011-08 to 2011-11
Actions #21

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 11/21/2011 to 02/20/2012
  • Target version changed from 2011-11 to 2012-02
  • Start date changed from 05/16/2011 to 12/05/2011
Actions #22

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 13 years ago

  • Due date deleted (02/20/2012)
  • Target version changed from 2012-02 to 2012-08
  • Start date deleted (12/05/2011)
Actions #23

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

It is possible to select a geographical point and zoom level in OpenStreetMap URL, for example to show Paris:

To show the entire France:

We now need something to determine user's geographical position from his/her IP address ;). There is an open source project, FreeGeoIP, that provides the server side we need and which can be queried with user's IP:

Queries asking for results displayed in JSon format are like the following:

show({"city": "Mountain View", "region_code": "CA", "region_name": "California",
"metrocode": "807", "zipcode": "94043", "longitude": "-122.057", "country_name": "United States",
"country_code": "US", "ip": "", "latitude": "37.4192"});

The only issue is that this requires a Python server, which we haven't yet…

Actions #24

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

There is an open weather map service, simply called OpenWeatherMap:

It can show a particular geographical point, as OpenStreetMap does. For example for France:

Or just Paris:

The drawback is that only English is spoken, or at most Russian. On the other hand, it is possible to get weather from the nearest cities given your latitude/longitude:

Weather forecast can then be queried too. This could be used to show the weather in Epiphany's home page.

Actions #25

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

To make further tests and coding, a small Php script has been placed onto our server to get the client IP easily:

We should certainly create later a lib sub-domain that would also host JQuery for example, unless we prefer it to be installed on clients OS.

Actions #26

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 12 years ago

Not sure I understand what are you talking about...

Actions #27

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

There resources can be used in the web browser homepage, not only bookmarks. In this case, this is better if they show the user's place instead of somewhere else in the world.

Actions #28

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

As indicated in the ticket “Have launch icons in Epiphany's homepage” (see, there is now a demo page that shows several “interesting” links with use of geolocalization information. See:

Actions #29

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Ready for test
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

A page in Spip now provides the bookmarks for Epiphany, one page per language, see:


Also available in: Atom PDF