Bug #576
openDans guardian vs. Google moderate Safesearch
Dans guardian do not filter obscene Google search results if Google Safesearch is not strick by default.
At least in Russian
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need info
- Target version changed from Gondwana update 2 to 2012-05
You need to provide examples so that I can test. Note that the Russian word list may be lacking of bad words. This was the case of the French one and I feel mine is still missing some terms. You can check yours online:
However, it is too late to tune this for Gondwana, we'll see for next release.
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago
- Category set to System
- Target version changed from 2012-05 to 2012-08
I've noticed the same potential issue on DuckDuckGo: safe search reduces the number of naughty sites in the result pages, which in turn decreases the probability to have the page blocked… Concerning DDG, as we have set it as the default search engine, this should not be so problematic. Concerning Google, this is more annoying, we need to find how this parameter can be turned off.
Is this what you meant in your issue report?
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 2012-08 to 2012-11