Support #542
xset: unable to open display
I get past the DouDouLinux Hello page, from live cd; I have tried without persistence & first line of Start DouDouLinux; I get as far as starting dansguardian, then stopping dansguardian, starting http squid & maybe stopping http squid; then I get at a dos prompt: xset: unable to open display. If I wait I get to a window asking if I want to view the X Server error log; which says something like no display found. I have a dual-boot WinXP Pro SP3 & LinuxMint 9, both with all updates, AMD Athlon 64X2, 4GB RAM, iMicro plain/generic LCD 19" display monitor, NVidia graphics board w/latest update, I use generic monitor settings as the NVidia settings don't seem to save or work-not sure which. I have searched & found that the NVidia displays have issues with DouDouLinux. Is there any work around? Once I get to the command prompt of tux@doudoulinux: anything i can do or commands to use?
Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago
My name is Miguel. I can be contacted at Not sure if this is the right place or forum for my problem. Thanks, Miguel.
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 13 years ago
Yes there may be two kinds of issue with nVidia video cards:
- too recent video card, not handled by DoudouLinux
- video card not correctly detected
If you are using the official stable release Gondwana you can try to force the nVidia driver from the command line, this is explained on the following page:
In your case the command should be:
$ sudo video-driver nv
Unfortunately there is no Spanish version for this page. Note that you'll probably have to restart the graphic subsystem after, using the following command:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart