



Support #519


Can´t install DouDou Linux 11-2011 permanent on Harddisk

Added by Andreas Schlaffer about 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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I Tried to Install the Develop version on HDD.
I made a partition ext3 on the prim HDD with Gparted.
Then I booted from CD, afterwards I run the Terminal an typed in sudo doudou-installer.
Then I connected the USB Stick with ...11-2011-en.img File in.
So the installer found the IMG and the HDD.
It aborts with the failuere no writeable device.

Do I need root rights ?
How I can get root rights ?

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

Unfortunately there are several bugs that prevent our installer to work with the development version:

The latest one is not concerning the installer directly but I think the same kind of issue should affect it. If you are skilled enough at Linux you can pass through these bugs, I managed to install 2011-11 for my children on a dedicated laptop. However this won't be as quick as it is supposed to be. We hope to solve most of issues (if not all) for the coming next development version, around late February.

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Schlaffer about 13 years ago

Thanks a lot, so now ein Know that is an isssue und not a user failuer ;-)
But anyway I am a It proffesional on C Programming and Windows Administartion but not so good in Linux.
So I there a quick-step to do the installation manually ?

Thanks Andreas

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

Mmm, I fear this could be quite technical if you are not familiar with Linux tools. This is not much complicated but you'll have to change your HD partitions manually from the command line and to tweak your OS boot loader, still from the command line… If you already have a dedicated computer, maybe you can take this opportunity to learn new Linux skills :). Otherwise I recommend you to install the stable release Gondwana or wait for bugs to be fixed.

Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Schlaffer about 13 years ago

I could not use the release version because the graphic card is not supported correct by the release version, it works on the 2011-11 version only. Yes I have a dedicated computer. I had formated the hdd with ext3. So now I think I had to get the image on the partition, does the image iclude the bootloader ?

Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

The bootloader on the CD/USB key is syslinux, it can also be used on an internal HD. Our simple installer “doudou-installer” will copy it onto HD as it performs a low-level copy of storage devices (from USB key to internal HD). But only the system partition will be ok in the end if my memories are good. The system partition is the first one, you'll then have to:

  • add a swap partition (say 500MB)
  • add a data persistence partition (the disk space left)
  • set a label “live-rw” to your persistence partition
  • format both swap and persistence partitions (as swap and, say, ext3 file systems)

This should be enough! Note that Gparted will be probably your friend in this job if you don't feel at ease with command lines. You can install it with these commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gparted

Good luck!

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 13 years ago

If you're enough at ease with the command line, you can also try to make a real installation as explained in our very recent post:

Good luck!


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