Feature #514
openTask #358: Better package our work
Provide tarballs of our apps
Start date:
Due date:
04/02/2012 (over 12 years late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
6:00 h
To have our applications integrated to Debian through Debian Junior, Debian packagers would need a place where they can grab official releases of our applications as source tarballs. These tarballs should be generated each time an official version is released. They should not contain the directory debian/
in order to let packagers do their work with more ease.
A good option would be that our buildd server hosts both source code and source tarballs in the end.
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 2012-05 to 2012-11
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago
Our tarball build script should remove Debian information from the source code, ie. the directory debian/
. This means the package should always be built using a Makefile. Note that there may be service scripts in debian/