Task #418
openTask #417: Search for existing literature
Look at gutenberg.org
The site gutenberg.org is offering many Html/PDF books from various authors in many languages:
Their work is public domain (authors died a while ago or accepted such licenses) but they include in each file an introduction text in which the trademark Gutenberg.org appears. The license of this trademark requires a fee for commercial use, which is not compatible with GPL. As indicated on their website we'll then have to remove any reference to the mark :).
For example in the French section we can find:
- La Fontaine's fables, audio and text (http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/l#a1758)
- Andersen's tales (http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/a#a2298)
- Grimm's tales (http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/g#a971)
- books from Jules Verne (http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/v#a60)
Quite a lot!
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Due date set to 01/16/2012
- Target version set to 2011-11
- Estimated time set to 30:00 h
Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago
I browsed languages available at gutenberg.org and the picture is not brilliant.
1. 5 languages supported by DDL are not covered at gutenberg.org (Farsi, Ukranian, Latvian, Malay, Telugu). In this respect childrenslibrary.org is preferable
2. 8 languages covered not so widely - see below
Romanian 2 books 15 at childrenslibrary.org
Serbian 4 books 77 -
Czech 9 books 0
Russian 9 books 18
Norvegian 15 books 8
Hungarian 22 books 16
Polish 30 books 18
Swedish 68 books 8
total 159 160 (comparable)
So I think it make sense to include a link to gutenberg.org at language versions covered by gutenberg.org wide - the rest of languages not mentioned in my message.
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
Thanks for this interesting report on language covering.
The problem with childrenslibrary.org is that you cannot include their work in DDL, like I would like to do. Books are prisoners of their website, this is stipulated at the bottom of their FAQ (see http://en.childrenslibrary.org/help/faqs.shtml#C3), emphasis added:
“The ICDL seeks only the non-exclusive right to reproduce digital versions of the books and make them freely available for public display through the International Children’s Digital Library web site located at www.childrenslibrary.org.”
And also:
“The ICDL also employs technological measures that are designed to prevent the downloading, printing, and unauthorized further display and/or distribution of the books in the collection.”
This is not DDL compatible, unfortunately. This is why gutenberg.org is a much better options since we can include their books and derive them into illustrated stories or even comics.
Note that I don't think linking to such website is much interesting either, because it's quite difficult to find something if you don't know in advance what you're looking for. This is why embedding books in DDL seems more interesting as a first step. Later we could try to find a way to have it on the web too through a clear, easy to use online library.
Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago
I see and it make sense.
What I discovered is no Russian books from gutenberg is suitable for kids.
Possibly the situation is the same for other languages, we should check.
Basically I suppose it should be dedicated team responsible for selection of books for each language. It's quite a sensitive matters...
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
Yes I totally agree, I'm unable to choose for you for example. Unless we find translations of well-know stories, but even in this case we'd have to check translations are correct, not automated ones arranged by a non native speaker.
Of course we're not sure to find what we need on gutenberg.org, we have to start with what is available and search for other resources – or write some stories by ourselves :).
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Estimated time changed from 30:00 h to 10:00 h
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Due date changed from 01/16/2012 to 02/20/2012
- Start date changed from 10/06/2011 to 12/26/2011
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 2011-11 to 2012-02
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 2012-02 to 2012-08
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago
As indicated in #437, the site WikiSource is providing many more books in many more languages:
Russian is included.