Bug #370
openBug #465: Issues with the development version
keyboard layout icon is wrong
After system start is it set in US layout though actually it is Russian.
I think it's better to display text instead of flag
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Target version changed from Gondwana update 1 to 2011-11
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need info
We need to check that this also happens in a standard Debian/LXDE session and, if yes, decide to post a bug report to Debian.
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Need info to Confirmed
It is also happening in a standard LXDE environment. Strangely pressing a key after the session has started, even a modifier key which doesn't output any character, is enough to make it switch to the correct country flag. Don't know whether this applies to DDL too but I suspect yes.
As a result a Debian bug is needed!
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago
- Project changed from Migration to Squeeze to DoudouLinux CD
- Category deleted (
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 2011-11 to 2012-02
Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago
A new keyboard tool in the LXDE project recently published a patch for a similar issue:
Maybe (likely?) analysing their reciepe would give us the solution.
Updated by Sergey Komkov over 12 years ago
If you think it's the best solution let's go this way