



Feature #313


Task #312: Improve lxlauncher

Adapt lxlauncher icon size to screen resolution

Added by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Look'n feel
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
4:00 h
Spent time:


Applications icons in lxlauncher have a fixed size, hard-coded in the application. The problem is that we cannot control the user's display resolution. Although DDL tries to add resolution limits on CRT screens, on LCD screens it is better to use the native screen resolution to avoid a blurring effect. As a result, on very large resolutions, lxlauncher icons are very small in the screen and this is not desirable.

The solution is to patch lxlauncher so that icon size are computed as a percentage of the screen width, say between 5 and 10%. Ideally this percentage should be modifiable, either using a configuration file (say “/etc/lxlauncher.conf”) or using a command line parameter (or both!). A margin between icons should likely be computed too, using the desired icon size.

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Target version deleted (2011-08)
Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

The latest release of lxlauncher in Debian Squeeze is already using a configuration file: /etc/xdg/lxlauncher/settings.conf. It contains the icon size but unfortunately this is pixels only.

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 08/31/2011 to 01/08/2012
  • Status changed from New to Ready for test
  • Assignee set to Jean-Michel Philippe
  • Target version set to 2012-02
  • Start date changed from 08/03/2011 to 11/30/2011
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Estimated time changed from 6:00 h to 4:00 h

A GDM init script tweak has been written for Genesi/Efika devices in order to adapt LxLauncher icon sizes. It has been included to the new package “doudoulinux-activities” (see r2342). A backport of LxLauncher for Gondwana is required. The algorithm is the following:

  • compute screen surface in pixels-square
  • compute the width of icons to have a given number of them in a given part of the screen
  • compute the rounded number of icons per row using the previous width
  • compute the final icon width using screen width and number of icons per row

The algorithm tries to have 12 icons in half the screen surface. This leads to 2 rows of 6 icons on wide screens. On vertical screens (handheld devices) we may get 4 rows of 3 icons for example. The algorithm is supposed to be independent of screen orientation.

Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 01/08/2012 to 02/20/2012
Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

Backport to Gondwana has been tested and seems to work.

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2012-02 to Gondwana update 2
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

The latest builds of Gondwana ship this new feature. GDM init scripts have been adapted.

Actions #7

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready for test to Closed

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