



Bug #287


renaming to img does not work

Added by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

In Progress
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
08/29/2011 (over 13 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
1:00 h
Spent time:


liveusb-write tool does not recognize renamed ISO file as IMG file so it's impossible to create LiveUSB


liveusb-write (25.5 KB) liveusb-write temporary fix for isohybrid files Jean-Michel Philippe, 07/20/2011 11:10 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • File liveusb-write liveusb-write added
  • Due date set to 08/29/2011
  • Category changed from Testing to Programming
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 30
  • Estimated time set to 1:00 h

Unfortunately there is a test that blocks the use of an ISO file as an IMG file. The test is based on file content analysis and finds that the IMG-renamed file is indeed an ISO file. I need to publish a fix for this tool. In the meanwhile you can use the attached Python script to perform your tests.

Actions #2

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

Thank you, though I cannot access any USB device (see

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 70

In the meanwhile I figured out that the image file is an ISO file and not an iso-hybrid one (ISO/IMG), which explains the issue with the USB writing tool. I fixed the bug in the CD build script and now need further testing. I'll inform on the list when a new build valid for both IMG/ISO is available.

Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

There are additional fixes to make the script liveusb-write work since it assumes the ISO image is less than 750MB. However the latest tests showed that USB keys are not working. sfdisk is complaining about the first partition starting at sector 0 instead of 1 and then moves it of one sector. I believe this results in a broken file system: only the booloader shows at USB boot. Further investigations are required…

Actions #5

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 80

LiveUSB created successfully in Windows using Win32DiskImage

Actions #6

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

... but liveusb-write tool still doesn't recognize renamed ISO file as IMG file (I try ii at Gondwana)

Actions #7

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

You'll have to use the version of the Squeeze build since the version of Gondwana won't be up to date until the release update in September.


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