Bug #189
icons at top right corner aren't displayed
Added by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago.
Updated over 13 years ago.
The problem occurred with 1600*1200 resolution (CRT RoverScan 117ps).
Only power icon is displayed.
- As I switched to 1280*1024 and then 1024*768 the problem reproduced. Then as I swiched back from 1024*768 to 1280*1024 buttons appeared.
- As I switched to 1280*1024 and then back to 1600*1200 buttons appeared.
Reproduced at Whole & Mini DDL activities.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Estimated time set to 2:00 h
I think this is a known issue, see https://gna.org/bugs/?15246. Unfortunately I haven't got any solution yet because I still don't know the cause. The latest tests showed that it seems to be due to lxpanelctl. Open the console and type:
lxpanelctl restart
You should get the issue.
As a workaround closing the session and restarting it usually makes it be correctly displayed (icons are not displayed but work, or press Ctrl+Alt+Suppr). Alternatively you can start an application that puts an icon in this panel, eg. Empathy. I'm currently working on a keyboard shortcut that would restart the panel when the issue is back.
- Status changed from In Progress to Ready for test
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
I wrote a small script that restarts lxpanel and nm-applet and this seems to be working although I hadn't the issue spontaneously happening. I also added a shortcut Alt+F5 to restart the panel without opening the console :). FAQ/documentation now needs updating.
- Assignee changed from Jean-Michel Philippe to Sergey Komkov
- Status changed from Ready for test to Closed
Had the issue and pressed Alt+F5: it works!
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