



Task #167


Website mockup (ver.2)

Added by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
06/19/2011 (over 13 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 40:00 h)
Spent time:


According to message sent on 17th May


DDL-v2-Mockup.pdf (2.77 MB) DDL-v2-Mockup.pdf Xavier Brusselaers, 05/25/2011 04:48 PM
Documentation.png (728 KB) Documentation.png Xavier Brusselaers, 05/27/2011 11:37 AM
Donations.png (713 KB) Donations.png Xavier Brusselaers, 05/27/2011 11:37 AM
Download.png (828 KB) Download.png Xavier Brusselaers, 05/27/2011 11:37 AM
Homepage.png (844 KB) Homepage.png Xavier Brusselaers, 05/27/2011 11:37 AM

Subtasks 1 (1 open0 closed)

Task #190: PHP/HTML/CSS ModelNewXavier Brusselaers05/31/201106/19/2011

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Project changed from Documentation to Website design

Please put jobs related to website design into the website design project!

Actions #2

Updated by Xavier Brusselaers over 13 years ago

  • Category set to Drawing
  • % Done changed from 20 to 10
  • Estimated time set to 10:00 h

Drawing a new idea of mockup for the new design of Doudoulinux.

Actions #3

Updated by Xavier Brusselaers over 13 years ago

You can find here, the begin of an idea for the new website.

Updated by Xavier Brusselaers over 13 years ago

Here you can find all pictures about the mockup.
The data are on Mockflow and shared with Elisa.

Actions #5

Updated by Xavier Brusselaers over 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 05/24/2011 to 05/31/2011
  • Assignee changed from Xavier Brusselaers to Elisa de Castro Guerra
  • % Done changed from 50 to 90

@Elisa >> please review the mockup.

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

All what I see is made of good ideas :). As I told you in a private mail, we may choose to not implement few minor features such as call girls or drugs on demand :p.

More seriously, I saw that you're fond of JavaScript effects. It's nice and pleasant but I ask you to make it work even if JavaScript is off. I may have JavaScript off in my browser and I'm not the only one, because of the Firefox plugin No Script. We generally don't trust unchecked JavaScript code :).

Actions #7

Updated by Sergey Komkov over 13 years ago

Think it's great.
What is not so good is combination of 3-columns and 2-columns design at home page.

Also I suppose website submenu at footer would include Site map command.


Also available in: Atom PDF