



Bug #163


Feature #87: Request for inclusion: stopmotion

Stopmotion cannot export in any format but OGG

Added by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Start date:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
1:00 h
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It seems the Ffmpeg library shipped with Debian Lenny doesn't know any video format but OGG. This may be due to patent considerations. We have to decide whether we include an augmented version of Ffmpeg from Debian multimedia or ask users to make OGG videos (but how to share them after?).

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

The Debian multimedia package has dependencies that require more disk space than expected: about 5MB. However tests can be achieved with these packages to check that this solves the export format issue. An alternative could be to recompile Ffmpeg with a reduced set of codecs.

Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 30
Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

The sad news is that the dependencies have dependencies too… As we don't have the necessary time to make further investigations right now, we leave video codec support aside temporarily and may just write in the documentation to use OGG format only.

Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 50

Note that Ffmpeg knows the OGG file extension but not the OVG. On the contrary PCManfm, the file manager, knows OGG as music files only and OVG as video files when he draws file icons. This quite annoying and we may need to ship a video export script that uses an OGG file extension for Ffmpeg then puts an OVG extension once the job is done.

Concerning alternative codecs, please note that, due to patent restrictions in the USA, we may never ship them as they are not required for DDL to function.

Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready for test
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

A script is now doing the job of using the correct file extension for Ffmpeg and reverting it to OVG to make it seen as a video by PCManfm. This also solves the issue with unavailable alternative video formats since the script forces OGG format!

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready for test to Closed

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