


Welcome to the website of the DoudouLinux project team. This site is intended to organize and manage our project. If you want to participate into our project, you are visiting the right place!

Although the project has not been active for years, we are currently discussing at reviving it. We believe the relevance of such project has become stronger than ever to be able to provide a “counter-offer” to mainstream IT devices, especially with AI growing too fast all around us :/ So please feel free to get in touch with us if you embrace our philosophy and want to bring any kind of support to our project. You will be welcome!

Join us on our XMPP chat room or on our IRC channel!

Important notice

Our SVN source code repository at has unfortunately collapsed during our long inactivity period… A new source code repository will be set up in a near future, hopefully from the latest backup of the SVN server files. As of writing, some parts of our source code has already been made available read-only on this website:

Also, all the quite obsolete data available on this project management portal is provided in the hope it can help future contributors to think about helping us :)

About the project

DoudouLinux is a computer system especially designed for children from 2. DoudouLinux wants to be as simple as a gaming console and speaks the children language natively, without any user's action. It ships with about 50 applications on a single Live CD, covering education, artwork, work and fun! Finally DoudouLinux wants to be very simple and safe for parents too. Discover the difference!

You will find on this website all the relevant information concerning the project life. We have split our project into sub-projects to give our contributors and our visitors a clearer view of what we are doing or will be doing, and for what purpose. You can have a global view of our activities from the Gantt chart and the CD roadmap. If you feel interested in joining our effort, don't hesitate to contact us! Just learn why you should get involved into our project.

Latest news

DoudouLinux CD: Gondwana is out!
Ah yes, I forgot to tell here the news: Gondwana is out! It is officially available in 15 languages and 3 new languages are on the go :). And with many improvements of course.
Added by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

DoudouLinux CD: DoudouLinux Gondwana to come soon (1 comment)
The official builds for our next release DoudouLinux Gondwana are going to be online.
Added by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

DoudouLinux CD: New builds for several languages (1 comment)
"New CD builds": are available, there very close to the official release of late May.
Added by Jean-Michel Philippe over 13 years ago

DoudouLinux CD: First 2011-05 build available for French (1 comment)
A first build for the French CD has been uploaded.
Added by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 14 years ago

DoudouLinux CD: Songwrite packages on our Debian repository (1 comment)
Debian packages are now available for Lenny and Squeeze.
Added by Jean-Michel Philippe almost 14 years ago

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